Engagement rings have been an important part of art, literature, and film for centuries. From ancient myths to modern blockbusters, they are a consistent symbol of love and commitment in the stories we tell.
Many iconic engagement rings have become enduring symbols of romance that span across different cultures and eras. The diamond ring Juliet receives from Romeo is one such example; it has inspired countless others to seek out the perfect expression of their devotion.
In this article, we will explore how engagement rings have been depicted throughout history in art, literature, and film, with examples ranging from Ancient Greece to contemporary Hollywood movies. Through these stories, we can see how our definition of true love changes over time while also getting a glimpse into what makes an engagement ring so timelessly special.
Engagement Rings in Art

In art, literature, and film, engagement rings have been used to signify a commitment between two people. From the classic diamond solitaire to more unique designs featuring colorful gems or intricate details, these rings often become symbols of everlasting love.
In artwork such as paintings, sculptures, or sketches, an engagement ring can be seen as a sign of eternal hope and faith in one’s relationship. It is also common for authors to use engagement rings as plot devices in their stories; these rings often represent the bond between two characters who are strong enough to endure any trials they face together.
On the big screen, too, many movies feature iconic scenes where a man gives his beloved an engagement ring as a declaration of his undying devotion. Engagement rings are thus powerful motifs that convey emotion and sentimentality – something that has been held throughout history and remains relevant today.
Engagement Rings in Literature

Engagement rings have been a popular theme in literature for centuries. From Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, authors have used the symbol of the engagement ring to portray love, commitment, and hope for the future.
In Much Ado About Nothing, Claudio gives Hero an engagement ring as proof of his devotion; while in Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Collins gives Charlotte Lucas a “handsomely-mounted” gold ring with diamonds when he proposes marriage.
The symbolism of these rings is that they represent eternal love between two people who are devoted to each other. In modern literature, engagement rings continue to be a powerful tool for writers to show how much two characters care about one another.
Nicholas Sparks novel A Walk To Remember features Jamie Sullivan giving Landon Carter an antique ruby engagement ring which she had inherited from her grandmother – this gesture shows their deep connection and Landon’s unwavering commitment towards Jamie no matter what obstacles may come their way. Similarly in John Green’s Fault in Our Stars Augustus Waters presents Hazel Grace Lancaster with an Engagement Ring made out of stars from Van Gogh’s painting Starry Night – this moment captures the intensity of both their love as well as Augustus’ desire to make sure that Hazel lives life without any regrets or inhibitions despite her terminal illness.
These examples demonstrate how important it is for authors to use symbols such as the engagement ring throughout literature so readers can truly understand how strong the two character’s bond is meant to be – showing that even though times change, certain ideas remain timelessly romantic.
Engagement Rings in Film

Film has always been a great source of inspiration for engagement rings. From classic films such as The Godfather to more modern releases like “Crazy Rich Asians”, movie directors and producers have used the engagement ring as a powerful symbol of love, loyalty, and commitment.
In many cases, these rings are shown in iconic scenes that allow them to stand out from other jewelry pieces featured in the film. For example, Vivian Leigh’s character Scarlett O’Hara wears an ornate diamond ring throughout her interactions with Rhett Butler in “Gone With The Wind”, while Jack Nicholson Joker famously flashes his gold engagement band during his confrontation with Batman in “Batman: The Dark Knight. Many films also feature elaborate designs that emphasize their importance within the story.
A notable example is Kate Winslet Rose Dewitt Bukater wearing a stunning blue sapphire-and-diamond necklace around her neck during her fateful encounter with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jack Dawson at Titanic’s dinner table. During this scene, we get a glimpse into the remarkable craftsmanship of the period – highlighting how important a luxurious piece of jewelry can be when it comes to expressing emotions between two people.
Other times filmmakers choose simpler designs because they want to make sure they don’t detract from what is happening on screen or become too overpowering visually. This was certainly true for Audrey Hepburn’s Holly Golightly who wore an unpretentious diamond solitaire ring throughout most of Breakfast At Tiffany’s despite being given much more expensive ones by several men throughout her journey through New York City society life.
As we see here even plainer styles can still convey immense meaning if used correctly!

Engagement rings are a special symbol of love and commitment, which is why they have been celebrated in art, literature, and film throughout history. From classic novels to modern films, engagement rings have served as a timeless representation of the bond between two people.
Engagement rings not only showcase our culture’s admiration for romance but also provide insight into how people view marriage and relationships today. Whether it be in the form of a diamond ring or another type of precious metal, an engagement ring will always represent something beautiful that can last forever.